
#6791 [Story/ResEd] Editor text elements should be able to be displayed in a customer-specific way via parsers

Actifsource code generator for any programming language
Release: Actifsource V11.2.0

In the actifsource editors (DomainDiagramEditor, Dendroid/Tabular-Editor), the text elements should be able to be displayed in a customer-specific way via parsers.

Define the view parser and his properties from the 'FigureLabelSelector' inside the Diagram Type.

6791 01 Parser7

Define the view/edit parsers and his properties from the 'FigureEditableLabelSelector' inside the Diagram Type.

6791 02 Parser8

Define the view/edit parsers and his properties from the 'NoteStyle' inside the Diagram Type.

6791 03 Parser6

Define the view parser and his properties from the 'ToolTip' inside the Diagram Type.

6791 04 Parser23

Define the view/edit parsers and his properties from the 'StyledPropertyConfig' inside the Tabular/Dendroid-EditorType.

6791 05 Parser4

Available Parsers:

6791 06 Parser5

  •     DefaultParser: Use the default parser and the properties to style the whole text.

6791 07 Parser9

6791 08 Parser10
  •     SyntaxHighlightingParser: This parser is used to style the text by keywords (Language definition).

6791 09 Parser11

6791 10 Parser12 1

  •     MarkdownParser: Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text.

6791 11 Parser13 1

Parsed text:

6791 12 Parser14 1

Text to parse (Supported markdown tags):

6791 13 Parser15 1

  •     CsvParser A comma-separated values (CSV) text is a delimited text that uses a comma to separate values. Each line of the text is a row.

6791 14 Parser16 1

Parsed text:

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Text to parse:

6791 16 Parser18 1

Advanced Example:

The TextLiteral property 'targetObjectAsTable' is as DerivedAttribute defined.

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The CSVParser is used for the representation of the property.

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6791 20 Parser19 1

On github the examples has been extended:

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