
Feature Realization

Actifsource code generator for any programming language

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Feature Sponsors

Many thanks to all our feature sponsors. You keep Actifsource alive.

Feature Sponsor
Date [C]
CIP Deep History State 2024/09 Low
CIP Template Statemachine 2022/01 Low
Introducing super-states for the CIP Tool 2017/11 Mid
Customer-specific model-animation in the web browser High
Displaying own-relations as a tree in the domain diagram editor Low
"Open Source Code" Action from within the domain diagram editor Low
Referencing external files and adding their content into generated code Low
Initial VHDL solution Low
Inline Java functions in functions declaration Low
Static functions calls Low
Programming language are defined in templates and template functions and no longer in the build config Low
Diagram Type supporting ports Low
Virtual calls over different function spaces Low
CIP shell supports direct calls instead of function pointers Low
Process animation in the web browser Low
Selector functions Low
Actifsource Resource Navigator replaced by Eclipse Project Explorer which allows access to owned resources via tree view. Mid
Dedicated View in Resource Editor including smart focus. Low
Template Editor based on Ecore models. 2012/02 Mid
Call Eclipse "Save Action" after generating code will apply code formatter before calculating CRC check. 2012/04 Low
Non-protected Code in generated files with grey background.
2012/04 Low
CRC check over generated non-protected Code in generated files to prevent unintentional changes. 2011/12 Low
Starting Java code format utility after generating. 2011/12 Low
DiagramType to specify what type of resources and dependencies are allowed on a domain diagram. 2011-2012 Mid
Path Highlighting to highlight resources and the path between on mouse over on a domain diagram. 2011-2012 Mid
Initial Actifsource workbench. 2004 - 2008 High