Actifsource 7.0.0 distinguishes between aggregates and compositions (like in UML) instead of ownRelation.
- Aggregated resources lead to a separate .asr file on the file system
- The lifetime of the .asr files for aggregated resources is managed automatically
- Diff/Merge will work with much better performance on separated models

License Restrictions
- Use the Actifsource Community Edition for NON-commercial projects only
Known Issues
Eclipse Neon not yet supported
Installation might fail
Installing Actifsource
- Installing Actifsource on Eclipse Neon is not yet supported
Installation might fail
- If the installation fails, delete the .eclipse folder in the user folder
- Please note that passwords from updates sites will get lost
- See also
Installing Actifsource
- Actifsource sets the memory settings automatically after installing and restarting
- The Restart-Button displayed after the plugin installation, restarts eclipse in such a way that it still uses the old memory settings
- To prevent OutOfMemoryExceptions you need to completely close eclipse (File, Exit or Close-Button) and start it again
Resource Editor
- Own/Use-Relation to aggregation/composition/association
Resource Editor
- New navigation/visualization concept for aggregation/composition/association
- Open domain diagram via resource editor
- useRelation becomes association
- ownRelation becomes aggregation and composition
- Rename Class.relationType to visibilityType
- Properties can be sorted according to typeOf
- Class.comment is shown for sub types when creating instances
- GenerateFolderPath can be defined in AnimationTypeConfig
- AnimationConfig
- GeneralConfig: browserMainTitle, generatesSubPath
- ExplorerTreeConfig: showHiddenTreeNodes
- DiagramConfig: enableLiveCRC
- DiagramNavigatorConfig: diagramOrder
- RecordConfig: enableRecordCRD
- CIP DomainDiagram and Cluster switched to Aggregation
Bug Fixes
- Remove properties "New->Actifsource Project" and "New->Resource Folder" for sub-resources in project explorer
Recommended System Requirements
We recommend the following system requirements.
System |
Recommendation |
Java | Version 8 |
Eclipse | 4.5 |
OS | Win 7, gtk Linux |
OS Architecture | 64 Bit |
Processor | 64 Bit |
RAM | 8 GB |
Disk | SSD |
Configuration (eclipse.ini)
We recommend the following settings in the eclipse.ini file.
Property |
Value |
Minimum Memory Size | -Xms800m |
Maximum Memory Size | -Xmx4000m |
Maximum Perm Size | -XX:MaxPermSize=256m |
Virtual Machine | -vm C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\bin |
Used Open Source Libraries
We have used the following open source libraries in our products. Many thanks to all the developers for providing their great work to the community.
Library |
License |
annotations.jar |
LGPL v2.1/BSD |
ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar | Apache |
antlr-2.7.6.jar | BSD |
antlr-3.1.1-runtime.jar | BSD |
bcprov-jdk16-145.jar | MIT |
commons-collections-3.2.1.jar | Apache |
Eclispse 4.3.x | EPL |
jdom.jar | Apache |
jsr305.jar | BSD |
jug.jar | LGPL v2.1 |
logging-1.0.3.jar | Apache |
objenesis-1.0.jar | Apache |
xerceslmpl.jar | Apache |