Workbench Enterprise

Team Support

Share project using your favorite VCS (Version Control System). Learn how to use the Local History and resolve conflicts. more…

Project Generator

Creating Eclipse Projects automatically using actifsource. more…

Diagram with Graphviz

Learn how to use the GraphvizBuildTask to generate diagrams from generated DOT files using Graphviz. more…

Domain Diagram Type

Learn how to customize domain diagrams to your specific need using a diagram type. more…

Domain Diagram Type II

Developing an easy to use state machine model. Show possible events in every transition. Restrict transition target to state instances of the own state machine. more…

Code Snippet

Learn how transform code snippets into your target language. more…

UML Statemachine

Create UML State Machines with states, superstates, history states, (entry, exit, state) actions and transition guards more…

Meta Model Documentation

Learn how to document your own Meta Model and to generate a browsable HTML documentation. more…