Workbench Community

Installing Actifsource

Learn how to install the Actifsource Plugin for Eclipse and how to activate your license. more…

Simple Service

Learn to design a generic domain, write code templates and generate code. more…

Complex Service

Develop complex templates with template interdependencies. Use Java Functions from within templates. more…

State Machine

Develop a fully typed state machine model. Learn about decorating relations and range restrictions to ease the use of the specific domain model. more…


Enabling syntax highlighting for any programming language more…

Literal Aspect

Writing Java validation aspects for user defined literal types. more…


Writing an aspect for refactoring model instances based on meta model changes. more…

Built-in Models

Learn how to create an eclipse plugin containing an Actifsource builtin model. more…


Learn about JavaListFunctions. Create your own JavaListFunction to sort resources. more…