
How it works

actifsource works with your Domain-Specific Meta-Model! Feel the power of Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD). Use your Domain-Specific Type System (Ontology) to write expressive and maintainable Code Templates. Click on Step 0 to proceed.
Step 0: Analyse Your Business Domain
Working in your own Domain was never easier. Condense your domain-specific knowledge in interdependent meta-models and communicate in your ubiquitous language. Give it a try!
Step 1: Design Your Meta Model Define your DomainObjects according the DomainModel. Step 2: Define Your Domain Model Reference your DomainModel in TemplateCode. Step 3: Write Your Template Code
Generate Code anytime by applying DomainObjects to your TemplateCode. Generate Code anytime by applying DomainObjects to your TemplateCode. Generate Code anytime by applying DomainObjects to your TemplateCode.
Step 4: Generate Your Code for C#, Cobol, C, C++, Groovy, html, Java, Ruby, xml, …